
業界初、慶應義塾大学医学部監修のコンテンツ「Keio 3D Anatomy」

~業界初、慶應義塾大学医学部監修のコンテンツ「Keio 3D Anatomy」を掲載~


ファイザー株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:梅田一郎)は、5月24日から慶應義塾大学医学部解剖学教室監修のコンテンツ『Keio 3D Anatomy』を医療関係者向けサイト「PfizerPRO」(Pfizer for Professionals : www.pfizerpro.jp)に掲載しました。



慶應義塾大学医学部解剖学教室 教授 相磯 貞和先生のコメント
「臨床医学に重点が置かれている医学教育のカリキュラムの中で、解剖学に与えられている時間は近年短縮される傾向にあります。他方で、各診療科に求められている高度な医療を安全に行う為に必要な臨床解剖の知識を習得する機会は、得られにくい状況にあります。今般、ファイザーとの協力により、医師の方々にテキストでは表現が難しい臨床解剖学を3Dという画期的な方法で学んでいただける場を「PfizerPRO」に設けることが出来ました。この『Keio 3D Anatomy』が、医療安全の向上を通じて患者の方々に貢献できることを願っております」

慶應義塾大学医学部解剖学教室 准教授 今西 宣晶先生のコメント
「臨床医が必要とする解剖学的知識は、学生時代に学んだ系統解剖とは異なり、ある臓器の詳細な構造や神経、血管、各組織の相互の位置関係や施術者目線からみた解剖など実際の医療に即し、すぐに役立つ解剖です。この臨床解剖を十分理解するためには、臨床的視点からの解剖像を呈示するだけではなく、その像を3Dで見ることができることが非常に重要です。『Keio 3D Anatomy』ではまず研修医基本手技(血管穿刺・カテーテルなど)および心臓に関する臨床解剖から3Dで学んでいただきたいと思います」




【PfizerPRO のビジョン】

医療関係者向けサイト「PfizerPRO」を2010年2月にオープンした原点は、ファイザーの企業理念と願いを込めたスローガン「Working together for a healthier world より健康な世界の実現のために」にあります。 今日の医療を支える医師、薬剤師、看護師、その他医療関係者の皆様に有益な情報を、一人ひとりへより効率的にお届けすることで、医療を支える皆様のお役に立ちたい、そんな想いからPfizerPROは生まれ、運営されています。PfizerPROは日本の医療の発展のために活躍する皆様に貢献することを目的としています。私たちは信頼性に優れ、有益でかけがえのない情報や仕組みを創造・発信し、一人ひとりが実感できる価値を提供いたします。


アラブ諸国放送労働組合、ASBU 3D 放送を検討

アラブ諸国放送労働組合、ASBUは 3D放送の検討とその加速の意を明らかにしました。ワークショップとプレゼンテーションはメンバーに評価され MAENOSマーケティングディレクターは衛星経由のS3D 放送に対する、サードパーティのプロバイダへの協力を含む いくつかのアイデアに感銘を受けました。

The Arab States Broadcasting Union, ASBU, was presented with seed ideas to accelerate thinking in 3D, and the presentation and workshop was received with much appreciation from members present. The MENOS platform’s marketing Director was impressed with some of the ideas presented on how MENOS could help Stereoscopic 3D over Satellite to Homes and for services to third party providers looking at Stereoscopic 3D over satellite.



-- Network to Debut Premieres Every Night Throughout February --

February 10, 2011 – Culver City, Calif. – 3net, the joint venture television network from Sony Corporation, Discovery Communications and IMAX Corporation today announced that DIRECTV will be the first distributor to launch 3net, the 24/7 3D network, beginning February 13, 2011. 3net will initially be available to millions of DIRECTV customers across the country.

3net will go live at 8:00 PM ET on DIRECTV (channel 107) with a primetime slate featuring world premieres of new, one-hour, native 3D original programs CHINA REVEALED and FORGOTTEN PLANET, in addition to the world 3D television premiere of INTO THE DEEP 3D. Throughout February, the network will offer an unprecedented rollout of original 3D series and new program debuts every night at 9:00 PM ET.

3net will deliver compelling, native 3D content to the marketplace and thus serve as a critical driver for consumer adoption of in-home 3D entertainment. The partnership's commitment to the emerging 3D market is historic, with plans for the channel to offer viewers the largest library of native 3D entertainment content in the world by the end of 2011.

"Today's announcement marks the culmination of a dynamic collaboration, and we are very proud of what has been accomplished in the seven short months since the network began its development," said Tom Cosgrove, 3net's President and Chief Executive Officer. "DIRECTV is the leader in meeting consumer demand for video entertainment and has clearly been an industry innovator in 3D. We are proud to partner with DIRECTV on this historic launch and bring compelling, original 3D programming and key content from our partners to DIRECTV subscribers across the country on a 24/7 basis."

"Quality 3D programming is vital to the success and increased adoption of the technology, and with industry leaders like Discovery, Sony and IMAX making a commitment to this category, it is clear that 3D is here to stay and is only going to get better," said Derek Chang, executive vice president, Content Strategy and Development, DIRECTV. "We are excited to be the first distributor to announce the launch of 3net and we look forward to continuing to provide our customers with the largest and most compelling 3D programming lineup available."

"The broad availability of high-quality, native 3D content is a critical step towards consumers fully embracing 3D," said Rob Wiesenthal, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Sony Corporation of America. "Beginning February 13, a deep and diverse array of great 3D programming will be available in the home 24 hours a day. 3net is an important element in our strategy to maintain a leadership position in all things 3D."
"Discovery's business strategy has always focused on delivering groundbreaking content through new platforms and technologies. The launch of 3net represents a giant leap in our march to bring audiences the closest-to-real viewing experiences," said David Zaslav, President and CEO, Discovery Communications.

"3net brings together three global brands with a single mission – to deliver premium 3D entertainment experiences to audiences in the comfort of their own homes," said Richard L. Gelfond, CEO of IMAX. "We are proud to embark on this new venture with Sony and Discovery, and we believe that our popular library of breathtaking IMAX content is in great company with the range of compelling programming from our partners."

3net Premiere Night Schedule (all times Eastern):

China's beauty is little seen, often hidden and always surprising. This hour-long series explores the thronging cities, epic vistas and spiritual heartlands of this huge and mysterious nation in stunning 3D. Produced by Natural History New Zealand Ltd.

This IMAX special takes audiences on a spectacular three-dimensional exploration of the undersea world. Using the IMAX 3D camera in its underwater housing for the first time, this film captures unique marine life and magnificent underwater vistas.

Explore the strangest places on earth – once vibrant cities now completely devoid of all humanity. This series of one-hour programs imagines the world humans will one day leave behind by exploring what we've already abandoned. Produced by Flight 33 Productions.

DIRECTV delivers more 3D programming than any other distributor with its suite of dedicated 3D channels. DIRECTV HD customers received a free software upgrade that enables them to have access to the 3D channels on DIRECTV. DIRECTV HD customers will need a 3D television set and 3D glasses to view 3D programming on DIRECTV. For more information on DIRECTV's 3D programming platform, please visit: www.DIRECTV.com/3D.

About 3net
3net, the joint venture of Sony Corporation, Discovery Communications and IMAX Corporation brings together three of the world's leading media, technology and entertainment companies to bring a fully programmed, 24/7 3D network to U.S television audiences. The three partners bring an extraordinary collection of award-winning 3D content, technology and production expertise, television distribution and operational strength to the project, with a mission to bring viewers the highest quality and most immersive in-home 3D viewing experience possible. The channel will feature the most extensive library of 3D content in the world, featuring genres that are most appealing in 3D, including natural history, documentary, action/adventure, travel, history, hyper-reality, lifestyle and cuisine, concerts, movies, scripted series and more. For more information, please visit www.3net.com.

DIRECTV (NASDAQ: DTV) is the world's most popular video service delivering state-of-the-art technology, unmatched programming, the most comprehensive sports packages available and industry leading customer service to its more than 25 million customers in the U.S. and Latin America. In the U.S., DIRECTV offers its 18.56 million customers the capacity for more than 200 HD channels in Dolby 5.1 theater-quality sound, access to exclusive sports programming such as NFL SUNDAY TICKET™, award winning technology like its DIRECTV® DVR Scheduler and higher customer satisfaction than the leading cable companies for nine years running. DIRECTV Latin America, through its subsidiaries and affiliated companies in Brazil,
Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, and other Latin American countries, leads the pay-TV category in technology, programming and service, delivering an unrivaled digital television experience to 6.5 million customers. DIRECTV sports and entertainment properties include three Regional Sports Networks (Northwest, Rocky Mountain and Pittsburgh) as well as a 65 percent interest in Game Show Network. For the most up-to-date information on DIRECTV, please call 1-800-DIRECTV or visit directv.com.



『Everio GS-TD1』は先日発表されたソニーの3Dビデオカメラと同じように2レンズ2CMOS構成で、フルHDを左右2枚ずつ記録する高画質機。視聴環境は、明確にこの3Dテレビで観られる!とはうたっていないのですが、記録方式が従来のサイドバイサイドのAVCHD(パナソニックのビデオカメラで採用されていた3D形式)でも撮れるとあるので、画質を落とせば、3D Vision環境でもいけそうですね。気になる価格は1999.95ドル。単純に日本円に換算すると約16万6000円とソニー機よりもやや高め……。日本でははたしていくらで売られるのか気になるところ。

 メインストリームのモデルでは本体で2D-3D変換できる『Everio GZ-HM960』を発表。こちらは2Dで撮影して、再生するときに本体の液晶で3Dに変換して立体視できるというしろもの。

Everyone is at it! Hot on the heels of the Sony TD10 comes the JVC TD1. With such similar names and numbers this is going to get confusing fast! Anyway this is another dual stream full 1920×1080 3D camcorder with some impressive specifications. This taken from the JVC press release:

The new GS-TD1 uses two camera lenses and two 3.32 megapixel CMOS sensors – one for each lens – to capture three-dimensional images much the same way that human eyes work. JVC’s new high-speed imaging engine simultaneously processes the two Full HD images – left and right images at 1920 x 1080i – within that single chip. The newly developed “LR Independent Format” makes the GS-TD1 the world’s first consumer-oriented camcorder capable of 3D shooting in Full HD. JVC’s new camcorder offers other shooting modes as well, including the widely used “Side-by-Side Format” for AVCHD (3D) and conventional AVCHD (2D) shooting.

Side by side recording is going to be very usefull for going direct to consumer TV’s or for YouTube uploads so this is a nice feature indeed. It appears to only have a 5x optical zoom in 3D compare to the Sony’s 10x, like the Sony it features image stabilisation. It’s certainly an impressive looking unit. The flip out LCD screen once again uses some kind of parallax barrier for 3D viewing without glasses. The consumer 3D market is certainly growing at a rapid rate and I’m really excited about these new cameras. Sony.. JVC.. Anyone want to lend me one for my 3D shoot in Iceland in March???

The GS-TD1 should be available in March for $1995. More details on the JVC web site: http://newsroom.jvc.com/2011/01/jvc-full-hd-3d-consumer-camcorder-is-world’s-first/