
BURBERRY PRORSUM A/W 2010/11 Live 3D Show in TOKYO

クリストファー・ベイリー(Christopher Bailey)によるバーバリー・プローサム(Burberry Prorsum)の2010/11年秋冬ウィメンズコレクションが、日本時間2月24日(水)午前1時よりオンタイムで放送されていた他、世界各地へと同時「3D」ライブストリーミングが配信された。東京での会場はLA FABRIQUEで、「BURBERRY NIGHT」と題された会場内はリアルタイムでショーを一目見ようと大盛り上がり。ロンドン会場の舞台裏やバックステージなど、ファッション界のトップで活躍するアメリカンヴォーグ編集長のアナ・ウィンター(Anna Wintour)やフォトグラファーのマリオ・テスティーノ(Mario Testino)によるコメントがあったりと、なんだかとても新鮮だった。アバターに続き今後「3D」がどこまで騒がれていくのか。

Burberry Prorsum included Tokyo in it’s revolutionary 3D live show broadcast of it’s A/W 2010 women’s show yesterday. A huge undertaking which will set a precedent for runway shows to come. One felt that Burberry Japan were holding the event because they had too, there was no sense of occasion amongst the glum faced PR and event staff on the door. Once inside the DJs made up for that, and by the time Christopher Bailey came on the screen the crowd was ready for the show. The behind the scenes video featuring the likes of Anna Wintour, Mario Testino and an Olsen being interviewed gave the feeling of a movie premiere.
The show started and call me old fashioned, but in a ‘3D’ show I still expect for stuff to be coming out of the screen at me (Avatar also disappointed in this sense). It’s 3D in the sense that you are looking into the screen, I kept expecting a studded bag to come swinging my way. That said, anyone watching did get to see the clothes in more detail then anyone who has braved the rain to attend the show in London. Lot’s of sheep and pony skins in earthy colors with comfortingly over-sized, sometimes doubled up collars, giving way to military-like coats and jackets sporting big gold buttons in the collection that closed London fashion week. Just like at the movies most left at the final curtain leaving a few to dance until the event drew to a close at 3am.

The show was good. HUGE congratulations to Burberry London for pulling this off. Where to from now?

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