Oct 31, 20108 million 3D TV sets in Germany by 2015
3D television sets will strongly grow in popularity in Germany in the forthcoming years: By 2015 one in five households will have a 3D set, corresponding with around 8 million 3D sets in German living rooms.
This is the result of a new study “3D Home-Entertainment in Deutschland” compiled by consultancy Goldmedia which industry association BITKOM will present at its 3D conference in Berlin on 9 November.
3D TV sets became available in German retail stores in March. Until the end of 2010, market researchers GfK expect around 150,000 3D sets to be sold with the average price being €2,000.
According to the Goldmedia study, one in three Germans (35%) say that they can imagine watching 3D programmes on television using 3D glasses. On top of the list are movies: Almost two thirds (62%) would watch 3D movies on television while 44% would access them on Blu-ray discs or on video-on-demand services. Almost one third (31%) are interested in sports coverage in 3D.
With Deutsche Telekom and Sky Deutschland, there are currently two TV platform providers in Germany offering 3D content. By the end of 2010, around 25 3D movies will be available on Blu-ray disks in Germany with most current cinema blockbusters to be released on 3D home video next year. There are also already more than 400 computer games with 3D visualisation.
The study „3D-Home Entertainment in Deutschland“ can be ordered at no charge from 9 November at http://www.goldmedia.com. Further information on BITKOM’s 3D conference is available at http://www.bitkom.org/de/veranstaltungen
10 か月前
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